APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ)

· April 26, 2022

Release version 2.0


Please note that APM has recently announced the release of an update on this qualification, and we are working on updating our course materials accordingly. We will update here once we have a timeline for the release of the new course. By the time the new course is released, if you still have valid access to this course, you will be given access to the new course automatically.

Please note that the current version APM PMQ exam will no longer be available after 30 Aug. If you have started on the course and are working through it, please keep this in mind and aim to complete your course and exam by 30 Aug; if you haven’t made substantial progress or are not planning to complete by the date above, you may consider putting it on hold until the new course material is released.

Once we have review the new course syllabus in detail we will be able advise the scale of change on this page. Any questions please contact [email protected]

Course Content

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+133 enrolled
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This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 15 Modules
  • 49 Episodes